Idaho Master Thespian's center of chaos

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I sound like Napoleon Dynamite

Or is that Napoleon Dynamite sounds like me? I had a friend of mine tell me that at times, my vocal traits remind him of the movie. I have been practicing. GOSH,,,,,,IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


OK, I have a confession to make. (deep breath, wringing hands) ,,,here goes,,,

I lived with Mom and Dad until I was 34 years old.

Oh, I TRIED to stay positive about it. I tried to remind myself that in Europe and other countries staying with one's parents was not unheard of. But every time I began to feel better, I would watch Jay Leno and one of his punchlines in one of his monolouges was "He still lives in his parent's basement." It drew a big laugh. My bedroom was upstairs but still,,,,

Then I reminded myself that Ray Romano lived at home until he was 29 and he has turned out ok. But then on one episode of "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" Will Smith said "Fine, live at home until your 30's like the other serial killers!!!" Despondecy.

Then in the spring of 2002 I picked up a Newsweek magazine and one of the articles was on something called adultolescents. It said 5 million people between 24 and 34 still lived at home with their parents. I remember silently cheering and thinking "Maybe I am not such a total social freak after all."

I DO have my own apartment now- almost two years. But sometimes I still feel a little freakish that I am not as advanced as some of my friends and still work in fast food. I try to remind myself I do have a job and I was employee of the year once (if I can be immodest for a minute.) I tell myself, Life is not a race. Everyone has their own journey. Sometimes though it is hard to remember that.

Ps- CONGRATULATIONS KAPHINE AND REAL SUPER GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Ponderment of the day

First off, is that a word????

Just what are the dickens, and exactly how cute are they anyway?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

News item

It says in the news that George W. is taking a five-week vacation. My question is:

FROM WHAT???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

My personal political feelings and opinions aside, after the Supreme Court outcome, on Florida, he said "The presidency is more than an honor,,,, it is a charge to keep." Fine, keep it. You wanted it, you got it-but obviously you don't really appreciate or honor it. But then on the other hand, what do I know? I could be wrong.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My parent's 50th anniversary oringinal poem

This past weekend was my parent's 50th. I composed and recited an oringinal poem and if I may be a selfish, egotistical SOB for a minute I got a lot of compliments. I would like to reproduce it here.


A flame of love was lit
and the Spirit of God smoked
upward from your wedding church altar,
igniting two stars to shine on you.

Those stars in Heaven
twinkle in your eyes
illuminating with God's light
everything and everyone
blessed to interact with you.

Anyone have any critiques, comments, questions?

Deep throat was my neighbor

When the story broke and became public that W.Mark Felt was Deep Throat of Watergate fame and was born in and graduated high school in Twin Falls I went to the public library and looked through the old phone books.

I found out that when the Felt family lived here they lived only two blocks from where my parent's house now is on the same street. The Felt's quit being listed in 1967, we moved there in 1969.

SO, the title of this blog is the title of an oringinal poem or possibly a screenplay mulling around in my brain. I have only the title, so far. Further bulletins as details warrant.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ammendment to previous post

I just re-read my last post and came to the conclusion I may come across as childish to those of you within the sound of my typing. I wanted to clarify that my temper tantrum was more or less private, the bus driver didn't hear me and I usually act more socoially mature than that. On the other hand, as my name tells, I AM a drama king

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Swankpoet wedding saga

Going to Swankette and TeacherRefPoets's wedding was a grand time.I had a great time and throughly enjoyed myself . I saw Swankette again who I hadn't seen in a LONG time, met TeacherRefPoet who I can honestly claim is one of my favorite people already and made new friends. HOWEVER, it was still not without drama.

I took the bus there and my bus was scheduled to leave at 4:25 Friday morning. I talked to my girlfriend's father to see if he could give me a ride to the depot since I don't drive and he said he would.Luckily,I had a bout with insomnia and was up at 4:00 THURSDAY when he showed up at my apartment. Perhaps I should have seen that as a harbinger of trouble.

Friday morning I was all packed and ready to go. I called over and got the answering machine and waited. 10 minutes later,,,,,20. Finally 4:25 came and went .I resolved to go back to sleep and about 8:30 call my friend Dave and talk over possible alternitives with him.At this point I was actually and some might say strangely calm. About 10 minutes later he called and apoligized
and his wife got on the internet and found that another bus left Twin Falls at 11;50 that night. Again at this point it was tolerable and I rationalized maybe partly my fault, as I did not call to remind him the night before.

That night I began to get a little paranoid and called about 3 times, but he showed up and I got on the bus. Everything went smoothly until Stanfield, OR. My oringinal ticket (the one I bought for 4:25 Friday morning) went straight through to Seattle and did not have any transfers. The 11:50 bus transferred in Stanfield. I showed my ticket to the new bus driver and explained the situation to him. The problem was the oringinal ticket did not have a boarding pass for Stanfield so I had to wait around and the bus driver told me he would be right back and went into the convienence store ,I assume to talk to Greyhound.

This is where the temper tantrum manifested. I began cursing my girlfriend's father,then wondered who I could call who might help me out. How am I going to get to Seattle? Then- HOW THE FUCK AM I GETTING BACK TO IDAHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!

FORTUNATELY, after I raised my blood pressure and probably cut 20 years off my life the bus driver came back out and told me to climb aboard .After thanking him profusely,on to Seattle.

We got in Seattle at 1:30 . The wedding was at 5:00 and I had to meet GrigorPDX at 4:oo so he could play the part of my chauffer to the nuptiuls. I hauled ass to the Green Tortoise hostel walking 7 blocks. I showered,shaved and was ready in time when Grigor showed up . Thanks again buddy.

SO, Swankette and TRP, I sincerley hope you appreciate the trouble and human drama SOME OF US GO TO FOR YOU.

I am happy to report the bus trip home was without incident.

Here begins this great adventure

self- explanatory