Idaho Master Thespian's center of chaos

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

In which Brokeback Mountain is Midnight Cowboy

I have been meaning to post on why Crash deserved best picture this year but after reading my friend Swankette's post on the subject I feel she captured my feelings and views perfectly and any attempt by me would be redundant.

However, I would like to express my thoughts on Brokeback Mountain that I was going to post in my oringinal blog on the subject.

To the people who are upset that Brokeback did not win,I would suggest to you that it has- when it was titled Midnight Cowboy. Rent it again or for the first time and pay special attention to the scene in the stairwell after the party when Dustin Hoffman falls down the stairs and is in Jon Voight's arms. Nothing physical or overtly sexual but in that scene particularly and throughout the movie it is obvious (to me anyway) how in love they are with each other. Also throughout the film ,Hoffman's charecter is homophobic and psychology says homophobic people are latent homosexuals.


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